妖怪Fox Foxes, like tanuki, are known to deceive humans. However, Foxes are portrayed as being of a higher status than tanuki. 2024.12.12妖怪狐
妖怪Enko The Enkou is a type of kappa that was commonly seen in western Japan. It is interesting that it is written in kanji as 猿猴, which is the same as the word for gibbons (long-armed monkeys). 2024.10.31妖怪河童
妖怪Oni: Visible or Invisible? Oni is the one of the famous Yokai but there is some different between modern oni and ancient one. 2024.09.17妖怪
妖怪Yokai, Human and Culture Yokai have been around people for 1,200 years. Think about Yokai. 2024.09.06妖怪